Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tampaksiring Palace


Tampaksiring palace, located in Gianyar BALI, is only Presidential Palace that was built after Indonesia Merdeka. Tampaksiring teh palace was bulit by an architect RM Soedarsono on initiative of President Soekarno. Development of the presidential palace is devined into two periods, namely 1957 and 1963. The complex was built in 1957 is Wisma Merdeka and Wisma Yudhistira. While ini 1963, the second phase of development completed namely the Stateand Wisma Bima, and Multipurpose building.

In mountainous area, Tampaksiring was built. with an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level (DPL). The travelers who visit this place to witnes history and funktions of historic buildings that once used by the president of the Republic of Indonesia.

At Wisma Merdeka which has an area of 1200 m2, for example visitors can viewbedroom bedroom I and I, Presdent, family bedroom, living room and the space working with such beautiful arrengement. In this buliding visitors can also see the decorations in the form of sculptures and paintings of choice.

The tourists can see a bulding with an area of 1476 m2 which is the building to entertain the guest at Goverment House. Betwen Wisma Merdeka anda Wisma Negara  are as deep +15 meter gap that separates the two homestead. Therefore, built a bride along the 40 meters with a width 1.5 meters to connect two homestead it.

Guest will be escorted through the state usually this bridge to go to Goverment House, so the bridge is also known as the Friendship Bridge. The guest of honor who never pass through this bridge, among others. emperor of Japan Hirihito and Queen Juliana ot the Netherlands.

Wisma Yudhishthira is the place to stay for the party presidency and the party guests. Wisma is located in the middle Tampaksiring Palace complex has an area of ​​approximately 1825 m2. While Wisma Bima with an area of ​​approximately 2,000 m2 is usually used as the rest of the presidential guard and escort the guest country.

Another building that is not less important is the Conference Building. This building was purposely built for the purpose of the cabinet meeting, a dinner guest of the state, and important conferences, such as Summit (Summit) ASEAN XIV, held on 7-8 October 2003 ago.

Still in the palace area, the tourists can also enjoy other attractions are quite famous on the island of Bali, the Pura Tampaksiring that is right under Tampaksiring Palace. This temple is also known as the Pura Tirta Empul because in this temple are sacred springs (Tirta Empul). In this place, the tourists can do meditation and reap the blessings by way of bathing at the pond fed by water from Tirta Empul. Sacred spring that is said to have been used for purification and treatment since a thousand years ago.

From Denpasar City approximately 40 kilometers Tampaksiring Palace complex and Pura Tirta Empul located. From the capital city of Bali province, tourists can use private vehicles or public transportation (taxi). However, if want a practical sightseeing, tourists can hire the services of travel agents (travel agents) contained in Denpasar.

The travelers who require lodging hotels and resorts can be rented around Tampaksiring. For those who like shopping and culinary connoisseurs as well as to satisfy the desire on the souvenir stalls and food stalls are widely available in this region.